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A natural and non-toxic antibiotic! An extremely effective and powerful agent for fighting all types of germs and bacteria, Colloidal Silver is known to kill over 650 pathogens. Does not harm the “good” bacteria in the intestines and does not interfere with other medications. Great to keep on hand for all types of skin irritations – can be sprayed directly on the affected area to help fight infection, promote healing and relieve some discomfort
very interesting to read to see what colloidal can do
Non-exhaustive list in alphabetical order of diseases for which colloidal silver has been proven:
Abscess Acne Allergies Tonsils Tonsillitis broad spectrum antibiotic Ulcers Arthritis Asthma |
Powerful bactericidal Infected Wounds (in int., and ext.) Bronchitis Burns |
Skin cancer Candida Albicans Fungi Cholera healing: accelerating Colitis Conjunctivitis Cuts Sunburn Crohn's Disease |
Dermatitis Disinfectant intestinal Detoxification Diarrhea Diverticula Diphtheria Dysentery |
Water: cleans Eczema Poisoning Blood Frostbite U.S. rythème |
Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Boil |
Gale Gangrene Thyroid Gastritis Frostbite Cracking Gingivitis Flu |
Hepatitis C Herpes Labial Hidradenitis |
Powerful immuno-stimulant Impetigo Indigestion Infection cuticular Infection Mouth Infection Stomach Infection Fungal Infection of the lungs, skin, Urinary Tract Infection Inflammation |
Yeast Lupus Lyme Disease lymphangitis |
Malaria Meningitis Mold MTS Mycoses |
Neurasthenia Otitis |
Pancreatitis parovirus Dog Dandruff Athlete's Foot pharyngitis Insect bites Open wounds Pleurisy Pneumonia Prostatitis Psoriasis Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Rheumatism Cold Rosacea |
Bleeding Salmonella Typhi Scarlet Multiple Sclerosis Sinusitis Streptococcus Sterilization |
Ringworm Toxemia Trachoma Tuberculosis |
Stomach ulcer Vaginitis Warts Epstein Barr Zona |
Shingles |
See Dosage
Here are some conditions for which, according to testimonials from users and professionals, Colloidal Silver has proven effective:
Spray face daily with colloidal silver.
One of the most interesting points in the evidence collected on the effects of money on asthma.It has been reported that the oral administration of a solution of silver can be stopped asthma.A man asthmatic since the age of five years, which would take bronchodilators six times a day, said that after I started taking colloidal silver solution to overcome severe coughing, he was surprised after 10 days of treatment his asthma had completely disappeared. He stopped taking the solution to see if this was actually due to colloidal silver. Three days later, his asthma attacks reappeared. He then resumed the silver solution and respiratory condition was improved again.
Athlete's Foot
Spray directly onto the affected area cleansed and dry. Some patients achieved and rapid recovery. In addition, it is also recommended to wear a sock to clean up infected previously soaked in colloidal silver and dried.
Burns and cuts
According to testimonies, colloidal silver can cure burns and cuts very quickly. A little girl who had spilled boiling oil on it, had large burns on the face. His mother sprayed colloidal silver directly on the burn twice a day, leaving then act the solution for 15 minutes at 20. The burns eased to 85% - 90% in two weeks. Six months later, the girl had almost no visible scar.
Candida albicans yeast and
not only colloidal silver kills harmful bacteria, but recent studies have demonstrated its inhibitory action on the proliferation of yeast. In the treatment against candidiasis, it is recommended to associate taking colloidal silver with a probiotic (which must be ingested at any other time of the day, preferably 2 hours before or after taking colloidal silver).
Herpes (cold sores)
Spray on cold sores and other manifestations of herpes. It is recommended to start treatment at the first tingling sensations. Reapply twice daily or as needed.
According to testimonies, a mouth rinse two to three times per day with a teaspoon of colloidal silver solution, kept in the mouth for at least five minutes, allows to obtain a significant improvement within 24 hours.
Spray colloidal silver on the scalp in the morning or evening.
Most ear infections are caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae.Laboratory tests have shown that colloidal silver destroys these two microorganisms. Some patients suggest lie down and place 5-7 drops in the affected ear. A significant improvement of the condition can occur quickly, even within 4 to 24 hours, if the patient remains in this position at least 10 minutes, preferably at least 30 minutes, and the application is repeated two to three times days.
Eye Infections
According No report by the U.S. EPA (agency environmental protection in the U.S.) money does not cause irritation of the eyes or skin. Few drops of solution sprayed or instilled into the eye two or three times a day help fight infections. Excellent results have been reported in 1 to 3 days.
influenza State
According to some witnesses, the taking colloidal silver from the onset of flu symptoms provides a visible improvement in one to three days. If the flu is already "installed", but the results are slower. Keep the solution in the mouth (by gargling if possible) for three to five minutes Advent swallowing.
Poisoning Food
Laboratory tests have shown that colloidal silver rapidly kills six types of bacteria commonly cause poisoning food. According to testimonies, it is advisable to take three teaspoons of silver solution from the onset of symptoms. Positive effects occur in some cases as early as the first 10 minutes and for a period up to 3 hours.
Mycoses of the feet
with a pedicure American nursed colloidal silver a patient who had a fungal nail foot (nail fungus) . After a four-month treatment results were such that he decided to make his benefit other patients. It recommends sanding the surface of the nail (to increase porosity) and then spray the solution directly on the infected toe, or apply it with a piece of cotton processing to be repeated two to three times per day.
joint inflammations
In laboratory tests, biologists have noticed that in addition to its antibacterial and antifungal, colloidal silver was an anti-inflammatory effect. According to the researchers, this would explain the rapid disappearance of pain associated with conditions such as ear aches and sores during treatment with colloidal silver. To test this theory informally, a scientist gave a bottle of colloidal silver to a young woman with fibromyalgia, a condition that causes painful swelling in the joint tissues muscle. She took a teaspoon of this solution per day and after a week could reduce by 90% the amount of painkillers she was taking. She said that the swelling had almost disappeared in the joints and that his energy had increased significantly.
Insect Bites
Excellent results have been reported regarding the use of colloidal silver to relieve burning and itching related to insect bites. It would relieve stings a wide variety of insects, including those of mosquitoes, spiders, hornets and even centipedes in Hawaii. It is advisable to spray or pour the product directly on the bite and then leave for 10 to 15 minutes, the application must be renewed three times per day. Results would occur in some cases as early as 30 minutes after application.
Spray the equivalent of a teaspoon of colloidal silver in the back of the throat and gargle.Repeat taken three to four times daily. Reportedly, relief is obtained in two or three days. In case of laryngitis accompanied by sore throat, refer to section "sore throat".
Most women are reluctant to take antibiotics while breastfeeding. Some have reported that the absorption of a teaspoon of colloidal silver four times a day, would disappear mastitis in two days. It is also possible to spray the solution directly on the breasts.
erythema rash and other
According to testimonies of mothers, colloidal silver sprayed and left wet the baby's bottom every time you change improves problems of diaper rash in 24 hours. Regarding other irritations and skin congestion, results were obtained by spraying the affected area and then allowed to act at least five minutes, the application must be renewed two to three times per day.
Patients have reported that nasal instillations of a half to a full teaspoon of colloidal silver three times a day in net possible to obtain relief within 24 hours, often with complete remission after two or three days.
Cutaneous lesions
in local vaporization, Colloidal silver can relieve, among other cuts, scrapes, warts, wounds, injuries related to skin cancer, eczema, acne and insect bites. If necessary, spray money on bandages.
Sore throat
properties both bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of colloidal silver certainly involved in its beneficial effect on sore throats. According to some accounts, a huge improvement after 12-48 hours of treatment consists of gargles for four to five minutes with one or two tablespoons of colloidal silver, followed by absorption of the solution. The plug must be renewed two to three times daily. Spraying or instillation of a few drops of this solution into the nasal cavity may also help.
United States, money is the No. 1 remedy against sunburn. A doctor who used it for one year of colloidal silver on patients burned by radiation, has achieved extraordinary results.Excellent results have been reported regarding the treatment of sunburn. Spray on the burn and dry. Repeat the application 2-3 times during 5-6 hours after the onset of the burn.
Some people have reported having experienced a rapid relief in 4-12 hours.
To sterilize a toothbrush, spray over the Colloidal silver (it is also possible to soak in half a glass of water with a teaspoon of colloidal silver).
Caries Dental
Laboratory tests have shown that colloidal silver destroys two strains of bacteria causing dental caries. According to testimonies, simply rinse the mouth with a teaspoon of colloidal silver for four to five minutes, then swallow the solution.
abscess tooth
to relieve inflammation and pain, abscess or spray the affected tooth.
Colloidal silver can be used on ulcers of the skin or mucous membranes.
Urinary Tract Infections
A patient suffering from recurrent UTI for five years, that antibiotics that momentarily stopped the infection resuming again upon discontinuation of treatment. She took two teaspoons of colloidal silver and after ten days the infection had completely disappeared.Scientific tests have proven that colloidal silver kills seven different bacterial cause of UTIs.
vaginal mycosis
Some patients reported that their infection had completely disappeared on the second day of treatment, consisting of a teaspoon taken orally three times daily in combination with a douche (20cl of water with four to six teaspoons of colloidal silver) twice a day.
Such information is for information only and not intended to replace for the advice of your therapist. Source
for human or dog
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Warning The information given on this web page on colloidal silver, are indicative. It goes without saying that the possible applications or therapeutic effects described on this web page is not a substitute for any diagnosis and / or treatment under medical supervision. At the slightest disturbance, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor or naturopathic doctor, it is advisable to read the instructions accompanying the product. In no event shall the author of this text can not be held responsible for the consequences of incorrect application or reckless use of products, methods and applications presented through these lines.
Colloidal Silver eliminates more than 650 species of microbes, viruses, bacteria, parasites, molds, fungi and mycoplasmas , some in LESS THAN SIX MINUTES !
Because the book: A secret weapon against the disease: Colloidal Silver Author: Franck Goldman Released: 01/11/2004 Publisher: Golden Lotus (The) - ISBN: 2-9511714-5-5 will be permanently unavailable (why? pressure ....) I allowed myself to take a few passages that are in this beautiful book. an email
Colloidal silver and the "crisis of antibiotic" An earlier report (June 2000) published by the U.S. Department of Health said in substance: Hospitals have become a fertile environment for drug-resistant pathogens. The close contact of the sick and require intensive use of antimicrobial resistant pathogens become. In 1992, statistics showed that more than 13 000 patients died in the United States due to infections caused by resistant bacterial strains. Antibiotic. New studies published by the CDC (Center for Control alades) indicate a sharp increase in drug-resistant bacteria. Each year an estimated 60 000 to 80 000 patients die from hospital-acquired infections , and more than 50% of these deaths are due to antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains . Add to that the sudden appearance of unknown viruses, such as the recent outbreak of "atypical pneumonia" which has more than 800 victims and against which seemed to be the only weapon quarantine! As luck may have it, some researchers have been brought more or less fortuitously rediscovered colloidal silver consigned to oblivion in the forties. However, it currently orthodox medicine ignores almost all of its existence, the pharmaceutical companies are not interested in it (since it can not be patented) and even perceive as a dangerous competitor may directly threaten their financial interests. Indeed, if by an amazing twist of fate, this time it was colloidal silver that would one day replace antibiotics would deprive the big pharmaceutical companies a source of revenue. More worryingly, bodies dministratives countries concerned, probably in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry , trying by all means and with obvious bad faith to oppose its use and dissemination of information about it. So for now Colloidal Silver has joined the arsenal of medicines called "parallel", that does not stop some scientists say: "With the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the money will be found in the position of a modern medicine because no pathogen has been able to develop immunity against it " With more than 41'100 websites in French and 855,000 website in English (21.11.2008) when it comes to colloidal silver is undoubtedly one of the current successes in health products, at least in the United States States. What is the reason for this craze? Simply amazing properties of this product: it eliminates a large number of pathogenic bacteria including antibiotic-resistant strains, as well as many viruses and parasites. It does not appear to generate resistant strains.Prepared and administered properly, it is not toxic and does not produce effetsecondaire. Would it be the last drug "peak" invented by modern science? Not exactly, since you can even make home. Itself for a very low cost and that the medical use of metallic silver back to the highest antiquity! In the first half of the twentieth century, it was even one of the drugs most commonly used, especially against all types of infection. What is new cons, what techniques are constantly refined with which it is produced for a few years and give it a degree of safety and efficacy hitherto unknown,
The origin of the word comes from a Indo-European etymon arg-meaning "bright" and would be the equivalent in Sanskrit ar-jun meaning "bright."
Use Jewellery Other Uses The money is used in confectionery mainly in the Far East. (Vark, Varak gold Varakh [Delivered VRK] is a thin silver foil covering some Indian sweets. Money can even be used as an additive to food (E174).
The medical use In the Middle Ages, Arab physicians employed the money in the treatment of palpitations and fluid retention. For the alchemists, money corresponded to the Moon (macrocosmel and head (microcosm), so it was given to fools and epilepsy. This is the eighteenth century became the silver nitrate therapy of choice for the treatment of wounds, ulcers and most skin conditions . There were more than 60 preparations of money in the pharmacopoeia of the nineteenth century. anti-infective properties of colloidal silver were set at the beginning of twentieth century. Many doctors, alchemists as Pliny (78 AD), Gerber (702-765), Avicenna (980-1037, Paracelsus (1493-1541) advised the medical use of money. The Chinese use acupuncture for about 7000 years. They quickly discovered the antimicrobial effect of silver hands. Presumably thousands of acupuncturists in the world today use silver needles for acupuncture. The money is still used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), among others to treat chronic fevers, intestinal inflammation, gall bladder hyperactivity and menorrhagia. In 1869 the scientist Ravelin already stated that money to minute doses deployed antimicrobial effects. gynecologist in 1881 in Leipzig, Carl Sigmund Franz Crede (1819-1882) recommended to prevent eye inflammation of the newborn treatment of a 1% solution of silver nitrate. The results were so impressive that we ordered this treatment, called "Crede prophylaxis" for newborns! With the introduction of this practice, the rate of neonatal ophthalmia quickly fell from 10% to 0.2%. Consequently, this practice became mandatory in the U.S. and most European countries. In 1893 the Swiss botanist Von Nägeli (1871-1938) discovered that the concentration of only 0.000 000 1% silver ions are sufficient to kill the germ Spirogyra (green algae freshwater is in the form of filaments.) found in fresh water. In 1928 Krause had the idea to put a silver lining in filtration systems for domestic water.Currently, more than half of the global airlines use the money for treated water for the aircraft used. The Americans and the Russians have chosen a system of water treatment based money for their space shuttles. Cities in the U.S. have chosen money for wastewater treatment in some hospitals installing ionization system silver / copper helped eradicate Legionella pneumophila their hot water systems. Fallen into oblivion after the invention of synthetic antibiotics, he made a comeback since they seem poised to lose the war against infection. 's action "magic" of colloidal silver is accompanied by strong scientific evidence so that doctors could declare: "Money is our best weapon against microbes." Dr. Harry Margraf, (Washington University, St Louis) or "The silver kills strains even resistant to antibiotics and stimulates healing of the skin. "Dr. Robert Becker (Syracuse University, New York) In a book published in 1919, Dr. Searle said that colloidal silver destroys toxins released by microbes. One study showed that "its destructive action on toxins is very pronounced, to the point that protects rabbits at a dose of tetanus toxoid or diphtheria ten times the lethal dose" Sir Malcolm Morris noted that money had a very calming effect net. He quickly removes the inflammation and accelerates wound healing. The doctor said he had obtained remarkable results against the hypertrophy of the prostate with bladder irritation, eczema and hemorrhoids " In the 60s, Dr. Carl Moyer, received a research grant to develop a better treatment of burns.Moyer, biochemist Harry Margraf and other surgeons worked together on this project they had discovered an antiseptic both powerful and safe enough to be safely applied over large areas of the body. " Finally, after reviewing the medical literature, Margraf had the idea to try colloidal silver, he found that the product was non-irritating and allow the healing of burns or necrosis without side effects. At the end of this research, he drew the following conclusion: money is the best general germicidal action we have. In 1968, Dr. Charles Fox synthesized a compound combining silver nitrate and sulfadiazine which turned fifty times more effective than sulfadiazine alone. The silver sulfadiazine became the number one drug in the world for the treatment of burns. works of Dr. Robert O. Becker (1978-1985), showed that the money allowed fractured or crushed bones regenerate faster and more completely than all other treatments used so far. It appeared that money also stimulated tissue regeneration while preventing wounds from becoming infected. Silver ions form a complex with living cells around the wound to produce stem cells readily convertible . The net result of this conversion is that stem cells provide all the components necessary for the complete restoration of all anatomical structures. This indicates, according to him, there is also a potential for the regeneration of internal organs (heart, brain and spinal cord). In the 70s, Dr. Björn Nordenstrom demonstrated faction money on cancerous tumors. He did pass electrical current through needles inserted money in large tumors and found that this method allows to reduce the weight of these tumors. The action of silver on cancer cells was confirmed by Dr. Becker in 1979. But these promising discoveries were not exploited. Indeed, in January 1980, mainly for political reasons, Dr. Becker was deprived of his research funding and forced to close his laboratory! Experiences of Dr. Brooks Bradley
Colloidal silver, the grapefruit seed extract, and ... will soon relegated much of antibiotics and their many side effects to oblivion.
We must note that so far no long-term clinical study has been carried out with regard to side effects, the safety or effectiveness of colloidal silver, but there has never been a single case toxicity report regarding the use by internal or external voice of pure colloidal silver (not silver salts, stabilizers or additives). Dose reference EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the Environment) established for the money an oral dose of an oral dose reference and critique. - The oral reference dose (FDD) is an estimate of daily exposure limit for the duration of human life (70 years). Exposure limit means without appreciable risk of adverse effects. DRF was set at 5 mcg (Microgram) per kg bw per day, or 350 mcg for an adult Side Effects Here is what Alexander Schauss says about argyria ... You should note that we have recently completed a very comprehensive study of the scientific literature on the safety of the money, especially on the issue of 'argyria, his only potential side effect. The amount of money estimated to cause argyria is 3.8 g per day (either the quantity contained in 380 liters of a solution of colloidal silver 10 ppm)!
A colloid is a substance in the form of liquid or gel containing suspended particles small enough so that the mixture is homogeneous. Colloidal silver is a type of colloid consisting of solid particles (silver) suspended in a liquid (distilled water).
The electrolysis of water with pure silver electrodes tears of silver ions at the positive electrode and solution sets. Because carrying a positive charge, they are attracted to the cathode (negative electrode). They move slowly because of the water resistance and ideally few reach the cathode.
There are several variations of the electrical method: The main criterion of quality and effectiveness of colloidal silver solution is the size of its particles. There is a close relationship between particle size and efficacy of the product. The colloidal particles must be sufficiently thin so as not sticking together. Indeed, beyond a certain size, they are attracted to each other and seek to unite. This can then "snowball" until the money dé precipitates and bottom of the solution under the action of gravity. Of course there is more money which precipitates more product loses its effectiveness. Moreover the precipitation phenomenon mentioned above, the particle size also determines their contact surface with the micro-organisms and this in turn determines many of the therapeutic value of the product. More particles are finer, their contact surface is extensive and will be able to penetrate and disperse in the tissue. In other words, to increase the capacity of a germicide amount of money given should be exposed to water a metal surface maximum. This is achieved by fragmenting money smallest particles possible. Thus, a high quality product contain a maximum particle size as small as possible.
Other quality criteria: Researchers who have studied the properties and structure of water even concluded that distilled water was still water and the need to prefer a non-water heat denatured deionized water. The quality of the electrodes: the electrodes must also be a sufficient degree of purity to prevent the formation of more or less toxic ion. Purity is generally recommended to 99.99%. Color: Colors a simple, but fundamental, quality solution ionic colloidal silver is the color it presents. In fact, it should say the absence of color, since the best products are perfectly colorless. As more concentration and / or particle size, one sees a certain color: pale yellow, then gold, brown, red and black. Brown, black and red indicate products of unacceptable quality. Stability and storage: after a longer or shorter, the silver particles eventually lose their electrical charge. To prolong the life of the product, it is good to keep in containers of colored glass. The plastic carrier particles reacts with an electric charge which eventually precipitate. In addition, exposure to light rapidly degrades solution. Glass containers colored (brown or cobalt blue) can minimize this phenomenon. To buy colloidal silver or purchase a device to make your own colloidal silver, you can through research on the web (internet), find the products and equipment to suit your budget and your situation geography.
General Uses: Water purification Treatment plant Medical uses Ingestion Inhalation nebulizer Local application
Dosage: Humans have about 100 000 billion cells! As ionic colloidal silver contains over 100,000 billion ions per tablespoon (at a concentration of 5ppm) this is a sufficient dose for maintenance.Moreover, the fact that the liver removes money-in the space of about two hours, we must take every hour or every two hours to maintain a therapeutic dose. The dosage established by the EPA is 14 teaspoons per day (at a concentration of 5 ppm) throughout life (70 years), so take a spoonful per hour is both safe and wise in case infection. American Biotech Labs recommends against much higher doses without specifying that it must be of therapeutic doses: It is recommended to take at least 1 tablespoon 2 times a day for people over 12 years, and 2 teaspoons 2 times per day for children between 5 and 11 years. For children under 5 years is recommended 1 teaspoon 2 times per day. This is of course unclear.We do not know if this is the solution to 10 ppm or 22 ppm (two concentrations available PASAP Solution ®). For animals, the dosage is based on body weight (and prorated from the human dosage). You can put colloidal silver in their drinking water or given the solution using a dropper. Use external Eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis, ophthalmia, etc.).: Three drops of solution (maximum 10 ppm) twice a day. Attention! The pH of the solution should not be less than 6.5 if it is too acidic and eye-dived. ENT (ear, throat infection, catarrh, sinusitis): Drops, three drops of solution (3-10 ppm) in each nostril two to three times per day. For the ear, filling the channel with a dropper, once or twice a day for two or three days. Skin (acne, burns, sunburn, cuts, eczema, chilblains, boils, hemorrhoids, herpes / shingles, fungal infections, insect bites, itching, psoriasis, warts .....) Apply two to three times per day liquid lotion or ointment. Allow at least 10 minutes for colloidal silver can act.
Colloidal silver is a substance: -Prebiotic: rebalance the intestinal flora with a positive effect on health and stimulates the growth of probiotics (beneficial bacteria have the body) Antiseptic and antibiotic-: eliminates more than 650 species of microbes, viruses, bacteria, parasites, molds, fungi and mycoplasmas, some in LESS THAN SIX MINUTES! Here is a non exhaustive list, pathologies for which colloidal silver has been proven: Abscess DOSAGE: A. Anti-Parasite treatment: 1 pipette containing 5 mL or one teaspoon Adults: Take 1 to 3 pipettes, 3-4 times per day, treatment of 1 to 3 months, maintenance, 1 pipette morning and evening Children: half adult dose Baby: 1 quarter the adult dose B. Topical use: Apply bandage or directly on the skin. C. Oral use: For the treatment D. Veterinary Use: dogs, cats, horses, birds, fish, ... directly on wounds, pure, or orally. We can put pure in the nostrils, ears. E. Bibliography : "A secret weapon against the disease, colloidal silver" Franck Goldman published by The Golden Lotus. |
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