ceci est un enveloppement  T-touch
pour relaxer les chiens et leur faire prendre conscience de leur corps, car souvent les chiens non meme pas idée qu'ils ont une queue.

j'ai suivie une formation de 2 jours en 1999 







autre lien a lire http://amateurdechien.ning.com/forum/topics/ttouch-practitioners-ex...



autre lien a voir ici http://amateurdechien.ning.com/forum/topics/anxi-t-nervosit-peurs-d...  http://amateurdechien.ning.com/forum/topics/ttouch-practitioners-ex...

Have you ever wished you could help a horse that has been labelled “difficult”, “disrespectful”, or that is fearful of humans? The Tellington TTouch® Equine ...


The Tellington Friday Tip:
The Tellington TTouch Figure 8 Bodywrap

Bodywrapping helps a horse's body awareness.

This is useful for horses that have chronic injuries or have recovered from an injury. Like us, horses often change their posture when an injury is healing to protect the area. This sometimes forms a postural habit which can remain long after the injury has healed and can create performance issues.

The Figure 8 bodywrap can also help connect a horse front to back, perfect if a horse that disunites, or tranters (Standie owners know this one - trot in front and canter in back or the other way around). This wrap is awesome for a horse who does not engage their hindquarters or pulls from the front rather than pushes from behind. Some forward thinking racehorse trainers are using this technique to help their horses strengthen their hindquarters.

It is also good for horses that brace into the base of their neck as the front section triggers a seeking reflex. This helps a horse release and lengthen the neck. I have included a video showing Mandy Pretty demonstrating how to put this wrap on your horse. In addition, there is a link to an article you can download on bodywrapping.

Put it on your horse when doing some groundwork. You can also seperate the 2 wraps and attach one to the front of your saddle and one around your horse's hindqquarters when riding.The wraps we use are cotton elastic bandages Ace or similar. Have fun! Share freely.

Video: https://youtu.be/gXtn0AVQmvE 
Article: http://www.elementals.com.au/#!information-sheets/c1qgd (The TTeam Bodywrap)

This video demonstrates how to apply a Figure 8 TTouch Bodywrap to a horse. Bodywraps are incredibly effective in improving body awareness, balance, coordina...
Day 14: The TTouch Body Wrap
The TTouch Body Wrap can help increase confidence by improving balance and body awareness and by helping your dog be more calm and focused.  vidéo ici

To get the Advent Calendar every day subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com - it's absolutely free.
Day 16: Feet and Hands
Using your feet and hands correctly will help you lead your dog more confidently.

To get the Advent Calendar every day subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com - it's absolutely free.  Vidéo ICI
Canine Confidence 

Day 18: The Ear TTouch
The Ear TTouch can help your dog be calm and relaxed so that they can deal with things more confidently.

To get the Advent Calendar every day subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com - it's absolutely free.

see video voir vidéo ICI 
tout les autres vidéos ICI

TTouch® for Senior Dogs, Dogs Recovering from Surgery

Demonstration of TTouch Wrap by Sarah Hauser

Vues : 157

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