Willie Santiago
  • Homme
  • Elgin, IL
  • États-Unis
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Page de Willie Santiago

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Mur de commentaires (3 commentaires)

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Le 11 avril 2010 à 3:39, Amateur de chiens - Dog Lovers a dit...
very cute pics thanks
Le 3 avril 2010 à 6:14, Amateur de chiens - Dog Lovers a dit...
Kobe is very nice.
what breeder did you get hin from?
and for the subjets on the NING you can use
to translate there's good info to read
bye bye
Le 3 avril 2010 à 2:32, Amateur de chiens - Dog Lovers a dit...
welcome to my NING, its more in french sorry, I will anwser any questions you have
please share your pics and what you do with your dog.
there's this forum that as a lot of good info also

and this
dont no were you are exactly from but we have a fun day check on the first page there's some info.
you have a very nice dog.

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