other interesting link


here is a part of a statment on barf.ch

I used google translate so its not perfect thanks

from the guide and more on BARF file attached below

I often said to people you are not ready to feed  raw  well gives at least a grain-free kibble, well since my last reading in my favorite magazine dogs naturally even without grain they should be  Avoid sorry.

I tell you its not complicate to feed your pet raw, its just a matter of habit, if I can feed 4 or 5 dogs sometimes even 12  you can do it with 1.

go go go :) your dog will thank it will be healthier no more allergies, big smelly poop finito, less hair loss etc. .

Cereals :

being the main source of carbohydrates in various common foods, 
their massive ingestion causes the dog's pancreas to work long hours at a high rate to 
a maximum degradation of carbohydrates. Besides being hard on the pancreas, all work slows 
the digestive process. It causes stagnation of food in the stomach and small intestine, 
where they ferment long hours, it is not capacity to absorb properly. 
Such unabsorbed food residues then enter the large intestine (colon), where flora 
degrades very abundant microbial form of gas, which will be evacuated. The consequences 
of the most common pathological phenomenon are flatulence and diarrhea, bad 
breath, inflammation of the pancreas, stomach twisting predisposition to cancers and 
digestive system.

Dry foods, called "nuggets" by French and European "molded" by our friends 
in Canada, are to be served at the dog as it is. This type of product is the most 
represented and the most sold among the various processed foods for dogs and cats, because of its 
low production cost and purchase (compared to the boxes, at least) and ease of storage and 
use they represent. There are a wide variety of kibble on the market. Some are 
sold on the shelves of various brands of large retailers (super and 
hypermarkets), others are only found in specialty shops, agricultural cooperatives or 
veterinary clinics. Prices, meanwhile, are the splits. 20 euro cents to 10 euro per kg 
for certain foods veterinarians there for all portfolios. But what difference is there between 
these different products? Specifically, you have five lines on the market of dry different 
foods low end, without special mention on the packaging for their quality, food

mid-range, identified by the words "food quality" of the product packaging, 
food upscale, labeled premium or super premium food packaging and 
veterinarians (not to be confused with food premium or super premium distributed by 
veterinarians), for therapeutic purposes (for dogs with, for example, pancreatic insufficiency of
kidney etc.). You can easily find foods low and mid-range in grocer's 
neighborhood, supermarkets and hypermarkets, as well as some agricultural cooperatives. The 
high-end food can be purchased in pet stores, superstores, most 
agricultural cooperatives and veterinary practices. Foods are sold on prescription veterinary 
medicine, by veterinarians only. Their composition is adapted to the condition of the animal.If one 
excludes food veterinarians, the difference between the bottom, middle and top of the range lies in 
the ratio of animal products and plant products, as well as at the nutritional quality 
of various ingredients . In other words, the more you go up the range, the more you find protein 
in animal feed and the quality of animal protein is high. Protein quality 
is measured digestibility. They are more assimilated, the more they benefit the body of your dog. 
Generally, proteins are best quality provided by meat, that is to say, the flesh, or 
muscle of the animal. For better understanding, it is essential to know the meaning of the terms most 
frequently used by manufacturers and the legal obligations of manufacturers in terms 
of product information.

The consequences of industrial food on the health of our 
's own food industry is to be mass-produced. Despite promising indications on 
the packaging, they can not be adapted to the "specific needs of each dog." At 
present, many dogs suffer from skin problems more or less important throughout their lives 
during, simple chronic itchy eczema. These skin problems can be 
symptoms of different diseases or external aggressions such as pollution, insecticides, 
fungi (ringworm) or external parasites (scabies, fleas, chiggers), allergies or even 
food. With allergy to flea saliva - occurring in dogs or poorly dewormed - the 
food allergies are the most common causes of chronic eczema in dogs. They are also 
the most frequently under-diagnosed by veterinarians, and most of the teachers, the poor face 
problem of animal, eventually resign themselves to lifelong treatment more or less heavy, the simple 
soothing lotion with cortisone injections . However, poor quality of hair, dandruff, itching 
persistent generalized appeared without any pathology or external agent could not be identified should be 
thinking about food hypersensitivity. This is especially true if you just change the brand or 
diet his four-legged friend, even if, as in humans, allergies can 
occur at any time of life, sometimes there was no change in the environment 
or diet.

What is the physiological cause of allergic reaction? An allergic reaction is a 
phenomenon of rejection of the organization, which seeks to expel a substance that does not recognize and judge 
accordingly harmful. The allergy is a protective reaction of the body against an invader. 
It is known that prolonged cooking of foods at high temperatures alters their chemical structure 
depth. Out, processed foods for dogs are cooked long at high temperatures 
(100 ° or more). Some dogs, due to the absorption of these chemical compounds made ​​by foreign 
cooking, will develop an allergic reaction. A natural diet raw or very lightly cooked, 
can remedy the problem. Apart from this factor potentially allergenic, adverse effects of 
overcooking in the dog food has never been scientifically studied. If you suspect since 
several years overcooking foods cause cancer in humans, no 
researcher has asked whether it was overcooking the effects on health

our pets. 
What is known however is that cooking makes the meat less available for the dog, because it 
destroyed much of the natural elements it contains. 
Digestive enzymes present in raw meat facilitate digestion and with antioxidants, 
help fight against the effects of aging. These enzymes and these antioxidants are completely destroyed 
by cooking. The destruction of enzymes in fresh meat causes increased fatigability 
of the digestive organs, cause diseases such as pancreatic insufficiency, diabetes or pancreatitis.
Alteration of antioxidants, in turn, accelerates aging and promotes occurrence of diseases 
that are associated with degenerative, such as cancer, kidney and heart disease or arthritis. 
Finally, cooking destroys vitamins totally vulnerable, such as vitamins A, B and C, essential for the proper 
functioning of the body. These vitamins, industrial food manufacturers must recreate 
synthetically to incorporate them into their product chain end. Among the synthetic vitamins 
used today are Vitamin K3 or menadione. Vitamin K, essential to the process of 
blood clotting, is not the natural state in a very small amount of ingredients, due 
to which manufacturers use synthetic form. But we must know that menadione is 
known for its toxic effects on the liver. So much so that its use in products intended for 
human consumption has been prohibited by many governments around the world.

The excess grain 
Regardless chemical transformations induced by cooking and adding supplements 
synthesis, the nature of the raw materials used in the manufacture of processed foods is 
the source of many digestive disorders. Daily flatulence, bad breath, a very strong 
smell of fermentation at stool, stools malformed, sometimes to chronic diarrhea 
are common symptoms of gastrointestinal intolerance. Numerous dogs have such 
symptoms to varying degrees and their masters, in the absence of information, often seen as 
the normal stench emitted when their animal excretes gas or material. In fact, these 
problems are a sign of very frequent gastrointestinal hypersensitivity to cereals such as soybeans, 
wheat and corn products, which constitute the basis of food protein and fiber prefabricated dogs. 
Which consequences massive ingestion of cereals at she on the health of our dogs? 
Apart from that they can cause allergic reactions, grains contain a high 
amount of carbohydrates (carbs) that alter the pH of the stomach (acidity are lower), 
increase intestinal fermentation (foster the development of internal parasites and the proliferation 
of gas) and lengthen the digestive process (hence stagnation of food in the digestive tract which
is an increased risk of serious illnesses such as stomach twists and cancer ). Indeed, 
as we saw in the previous chapter (Elements of canine biology), the transformation of carbohydrates 
into sugar carbon demand of the pancreas dog a very important effort. When a dog eats 
a large amount of daily grain, his pancreas is working day after day for hours. 
wears it and get tired early, hence the frequent occurrence and more or less early inflammation of the 
pancreas can lead a chronic insufficiency and death of the animal. Pancreatic insufficiency 
is even more formidable than its symptoms (stool malformed, pale and nauseous, intense thirst, 
increased fatigability) are often unspectacular and did not cause the master to see time and 
time. It is often undiagnosed or poorly, while a suitable diet could extend 
under favorable conditions the life of the dog who suffers from a few months to several years for cases 
earliest. It is never too late to make plans: home, provided they are then 
developed with the help of a veterinarian, are particularly suited to meet the needs of a sick dog, 
simply because unlike fast foods, they can adapt to the needs of each individual.


FOLLOWING THE BARF quide for printing
Another very interresting link

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